Vortex Cleaner / Aerator
Vortex Cleaner / Aerator
Clean your demijohns or glass carboys easily. Simply hook this up to your drill, fill your vessel with cleaning solution and spin clean.
The Vortex wand is a great multipurpose item that can be used for Aeration, Cleaning or Stirring. The Vortex wand fits into your normal cordless drill chuck. Using the power of your drill will save you time during simple brewing tasks. The vortex is made from 304 grade stainless steel rod and Teflon (PTFE) paddles and spindle and includes 2 microfiber cleaning pads.
Aerate: Healthy yeast growth starts with good levels of dissolved oxygen. Without a source of pure oxygen most home brewers resort to ordinary air to oxygenate their brew and the vortex aerating paddles will do a far better job that stirring with a spoon. Typically rotating at over 1000rpm the paddles will help the wort reach oxygen saturation point in no time at all.
Cleaning: The Vortex includes 2 microfiber cleaning pads and stainless fasteners. By attaching the pads to the aerating paddles you can turn the vortex into a powerful cleaning machine. Great for carboys or fermenters