Still Spirits Alembic Pot Still Copper Condenser
This is the new and improved Alembic condenser
This now incorporates a spiral structure modification inside the condenser called fins. The outer water jacket tube of the condenser has been modified internally to increase surface area with the inner distillate arm allowing for better cooling performance. Fins allow the cold water to pass through with some turbulence increasing surface area within the inner tube. The cooling sleeve has been extended back towards the temperature probe which gives the extra cooling length. This new condenser arm has improved the overall efficiency (heat transfer) of the Alembic condenser, allowing for a colder spirit collection temperature.
This Alembic Pot Still is made up of the Mangrove Jack's 25L Boiler or the Still Spirits 4.9L Boiler with a Pot Still Alembic Dome Top and Pot Still Condenser. All come with a 3 year warranty.
Instead of stripping flavours to give clean spirit like the Turbo 500 (T500), this condenser retains and enhances flavours. This can be used when distilling washes that contain flavours that the user wishes to collect. For example wine for making brandy, malt mashes for making whiskeys or bourbons, molasses mashes for making rum etc. The Pot Still Alembic Condenser can be used on its own with the boiler or with the Alembic Dome. We recommend using both together for better results.