Fresh Wort & Extract Kits - InnKeeper Brown Ale - (All Inn Brewing Co.)
All Inn Brewing Co. fresh wort kits are 15L of wort to make 20L of beer. Fresh wort kits give much better results than "Kit & Kilo" recipes as the wort isn't boiled off until it fits in a can. This gives a much fresher beer which tastes just like it would from the brewery.
DESCRIPTION: Welcoming and dependable, approachable and full of character. A real “best friend” of a brown ale, good company at home or at the bar.
- Decant cube into clean and sanitised fermenter.
- Add 5 litres of water to bring volume to 20 litres.
- Aerate, pitch yeast and add any additional hops as desired.
- Once fermentation is complete, bottle condition or keg.
- Enjoy responsibly.