Black Rock Export Pilsener Beerkit 1.7kg
Elevate your homebrewing game with Black Rock Export Pilsener Beerkit, a premium Czech Pilsner bursting with fresh, hoppy bitterness and a satisfying body thanks to Crystal specialty malt. For a classic crisp finish, brew with 1kg of Black Rock Liquid Brewing Sugar (or substitute with 1kg of other sugar). Or, for a fuller body, deeper color, and richer malt flavor, opt for 1.7kg of Black Rock Ultralight unhopped malt extract instead of sugar. Upgrade your brewing experience today!
IBU: 37
Malt: 91.5% Pilsner malt, 6.6% Crystal and 1.9% dark crystal malt
Hops, bittering: Green Bullet, Pacific Gem
ABV: 4.5% (approx. using 1kg Black Rock Liquid Brewing Sugar)
Makes 23L