LalBrew Yeast Nottingham 11g Sachet is a versatile and high-performing English-style ale yeast. With consistent performance and a neutral flavor, it is an ideal choice for a wide range of beer styles. Its ability to promote hop biotransformation and enhance hop flavor and aroma through the expression of glucosidase and lyase enzymes makes it a must-have for any brewer. This yeast has a rich history and was carefully selected from the Lallemand Yeast Culture Collection in 1992. It is commonly used in Pale Ales, Ambers, Porters, Stouts, and Barleywines, but it can also be used to produce unique styles like Golden Ale, Klsch, Lager-style beers, IPA, and Imperial Stout. Thanks to its stress tolerance, LalBrew Nottingham™ is an excellent choice for high gravity, sours, re-starting stuck fermentations, and other challenging conditions.