Still Spirits Alembic Pot Still Dome Top and Condenser
Still Spirits Alembic Pot Still Dome Top and Condenser
This is the new and improved Alembic Condenser, suitable for the Grainfather G30v3 or the Still Spirits Turbo 500 Boiler
This now incorporates a spiral structure modification inside the condenser called fins. The outer water jacket tube of the condenser has been modified internally to increase surface area with the inner distillate arm allowing for better cooling performance. Fins allow the cold water to pass through with some turbulence increasing surface area within the inner tube. The cooling sleeve has been extended back towards the temperature probe which gives the extra cooling length. This new condenser arm has improved the overall efficiency (heat transfer) of the Alembic condenser, allowing for a colder spirit collection temperature.
This can be used in place of the boiler's stainless steel lid. This includes the dome top, copper pot condenser, hoses, the connections and the thermometer. All you need is a boiler to attached it to.
The large copper surface area of the alembic top acts as a catalyst with the vapour in the still and helps enhance and concentrate the flavours and aromas as well as remove unwanted sulphur compounds. This produces a smoother, richer, sweeter tasting product. The dome has a diameter of 31cm and is 23cm high.